Laser assisted deep cleaning  / laser curettage, also called LANAP Treatment is a minimally invasive innovative treatment option for moderate cases of gum infection. SSCDS Dental Clinics, are equipped with diode lasers that can be utilized for multiple gum treatments.

With use of lasers and scaling instruments, periodontist can clean pockets around teeth, disinfect the gums, re-establish attachment of loosened gums to teeth and help in regenerating lost tissues. Furthermore, this option is suitable for patients with medical problems where gum surgery may need to be avoided.

How is Laser deep cleaning done?

There is a proper protocol established to this treatment process. After giving adequate anaesthesia, first laser pass is done with laser fibre to remove bacteria and the diseased gums. Then SRP is done with hand and ultrasonic instruments and finally another laser pass to stabilize clot, to create a clean area which heals faster.

Benefits of LANAP Treatment

– Minimally invasive
– No blades, no stitches
– Painless
– Less bleeding
– Faster healing
– Regenerates lost bone and gums during healing
Apart from Laser deep cleaning, laser technology can also be used for other minor gum surgeries with similar benefits.