RCT is the treatment performed when decay extends till nerve of tooth. This procedure involves removal of bacteria and infected pulp from inside the tooth roots, disinfection of canals to avoid more damage and finally sealing the canals to maintain a tight seal.

Root canal treatment is painless, done by experienced RCT specialist, may require one or more sittings and can save tooth from getting extracted .

When to consult RCT specialist?

  • Severe tooth pain due to deep cavity
  • Abscess and pus formation with tooth roots
  • Fractured teeth when fracture line extends till nerve.
  • Nonvital / discoloured teeth
  • Persistent sensitivity due to severe attrition of teeth.

Advances in Root Canal Treatment

Microscopic Endodontics 

Here, high power magnification is used for precise root canal treatments. This advance makes sure that there is better visibility of tooth structures, helps to navigate around difficult anatomical areas, helps to not miss even a small accessory canal and thus, makes RCT more successful in outcome.
SSCDS Dental Clinics, are equipped with state of art microscope and magnifying loupes to provide advanced treatment in complex cases, still at affordable costs.

LASER assisted RCT

LASER technology can be used in RCT to clean away all bacteria present in the canals. So in this way, teeth with severe infections can also be saved and longevity improved.
LASER Root Canal Treatment has benefits of better disinfection with less damage to healthy tooth structure, faster healing, less pain, less chance of reinfection and is done at SSCDS at low costs.
SSCDS Dental Clinics have multiple LASER machines and senior RCT specialists for such complex cases.

CBCT Guided RCT 

CBCT scanning provides a 3- dimensional view of the entire tooth structure. Advanced treatment by root canal specialist can be performed with this advanced imaging technology. This is especially useful for detecting extra canals, high resolution view of any complex anatomy of root canal system and can be customized as per every patient’s needs.
SSCDS Dental Clinic is provided with conventional and advances imaging techniques that can be used depending on individual patient requirements at minimal costs.